Thornden Wood Primary School

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Teachers and Parents Working Together 

You as parents are the most effective and influential teachers of your own children! So we really do need your support for what we do in school. We are keen that children see teachers and parents working together.

Please help us by:-

  • Make sure the child arrives and is collected on time
  • Avoid taking child out of school for holidays
  • Make sure the child attends regularly and contact the school on the morning of the first day of absence with an explanation.
  • Check for and read letters sent via Arbor.
  • Sign up for and attend parents evening meetings to discuss child’s progress
  • Let the School know of anything which may affect the child’s life and work at school
  • Help children with reading and homework.
  • Support the school’s behaviour, uniform and other policies.
  • Model good behaviour on the school site.
  • Ensure all equipment is labelled.
  • Ensure lunch, PE kit and coats are labelled and in school every day.
  • Let the school know of any changes in contact details.

    Do keep in contact: if you need a quick word with the teacher, see him or her at the beginning or end of the school day. Mrs Espley is almost always at the gate in the morning and on the playground in the afternoon. If she is not there, another member of staff will be! If you need a longer discussion, appointments are easily made by phone or email.

We arrange formal parent-teacher consultations in the autumn and spring terms, when we discuss your child’s progress with you.

In the summer term we send you a full, written end of year report and offer the opportunity to discuss this with your child’s teacher.

Every other Friday we send each family a copy of our Thornden Wood Bulletin, a news sheet which tells you what’s happening at school. The Bulletin is also published on our website.

We send all letters via Arbor so please do keep an eye on your emails.

To demonstrate all of this is important we ask both parents and teachers sign a home-school agreement which we both keep a copy of.