Thornden Wood Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome

Hello and welcome to Thornden Wood Primary School.

 Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, and now that I have you here, let me tell you a little bit about us.

 Since joining the school last academic year, I have seen pupil outcomes, wider opportunities and whole school happiness go from strength to strength. We embody and are continuing to grow our firm vision:

 "A school where children excel in classrooms made of more than four walls."

 Allow me to give you a taster:

  • Our classrooms are calm and purposeful, where pupils' talents and needs are catered for by skilled and dedicated staff and the curriculum is highly ambitious and varied for all pupils. 

  • Our personal development offer is second to none; we have a whole school award system that sees every pupil experience a multitude of amazing opportunities which will help them to further understand themselves, their community and the world we live in. This is a unique and outstanding offer that will not be found in any other primary school.

  • Our brand-new sports field is an exceptional resource that will not be found anywhere else locally. Our relationships with professional sports clubs see tuition at an extremely high level for all our pupils, enabling them to excel and succeed in many competitions. 

  • Our forest school commitment for every child throughout the year to learn, grow, take risks and challenge themselves in a natural, outdoor environment ensures that pupil well-being is a priority, filtering back into the classroom as well regulated and ready to learn pupils.

  • Our playtimes are precious to staff and pupils. We are an OPAL school, where the importance of play and social development is a priority. We appreciate that this is fundamental in nurturing a well-rounded pupil.

  • Our commitment to working with and including parents and carers in the school life of their child is essential in fostering our vibrant, happy, family-focused school.

If this taster of our brilliant school has got you wondering or wanting to know more, please feel free to contact us and come for a visit - we would love to meet you and your children.

Kate Espley - Headteacher