Thornden Wood Primary School

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Friends of Thornden Wood 

The Friends of Thornden Wood is a non-profitable charity fundraising group.

Our aim, with your help, is to support each other in raising funds to benefit your children no matter which setting they attend. For these events to be successful we depend on your support to help us organise, prepare and run particular events and to share the responsibilities with parents and teachers who are already members of the fundraising team.

The Friends of Thornden Wood meet approximately every two months to discuss and plan for up and coming events which includes group decision making and volunteering for specific tasks which individuals feel they might be able to help with. Meetings are relaxed and informal affairs and we look forward to seeing you soon. The dates are always put in the Bulletin and the Friends also has its own Facebook page for fundraising business  Friends of Thornden Wood Fundraising Group – just click on the Facebook logo to join!! The Friends can be contacted via 

Please support the work of the Friends: their efforts really do make a difference! Over the last two years the Friends have contributed a considerable amount of money to all of the organisations, subsidising school trips, school plays, Cycling Proficiency and a whole range of other things besides. Events include Discos, Christmas Bazaar, Mother’s Day Shop and the Summer Fair is the highlight of the year!

Chairperson Report October 2023