Thornden Wood Primary School

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Information for New Parents


We are delighted that you and child are thinking of joining Thornden Wood Primary School, whether it be in September or during the year.

On behalf of the staff, governors, children and parents, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your family to our school, and we hope that you feel that we can offer you and your child a happy start to school at Thornden Wood. 

We know that you will have many questions  about your child starting school with us in September, or indeed during the year and we have therefore included our Welcome Leaflet for you to read. 

Welcome Leaflet 

To apply for a reception class school place (the September after your child turns 4) you need to complete the local authority’s (LA) common application form (CAF) and submit this directly to the LA or child’s primary school by the deadline. All the details are listed on the Kent County Council Website following the link below:

Parents are asked to apply online. Late applications will not be considered until all other applications have been reviewed. All offers of Primary School places will be made via the Local Authority. Thornden Wood will not contact individual families until after the offers have been made.

Our ‘PAN’ (Pupil Admission Number) is 60 and this means that we can admit up to 60 children in Year R. If there are more children than places, the allocation of places will be according to the following Over-subscription Criteria:

Looked after children
Children with a statement where the statement names a specific school
Brothers/sisters already in the school
Children of staff employed at the school
Nearness of children’s homes / ease of access

Before a child joins Thornden Wood Primary School, we think it is important for the family to come and have a look around the School environment and meet the staff and pupils. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our school.

During Term 6, prior to the beginning of school, we invite new Reception parents to a meeting where we introduce our school, the staff and the curriculum, as well as give key pieces of information to new parents. Further details about admissions will be discussed at this information afternoon.

In Year Admissions

In Year Casual Admissions are admissions which take place outside of the normal entry to school. From 1st September 2013 the Local Authority will no longer co-ordinate In Year applications and parents will apply directly to schools.

The Local Authority has produced a new Single In Year Application Form (IYAF) for applying for an In Year place. On one side parents fill in their details and the back of the form explains the process and informs parents of all their legal rights. Parents return the form to the school and should complete a separate form for each school they want to apply for.

We have also included our In Year Admission Form, for those of you that are looking to move in-year.  

In Year Admission Form 


EKC Schools Trust Admissions Policy

To view the EKC Admission Policy please click here and navigate to the Trust Policies section.

For any enquiries, or in-year admission forms, please email us on, so that we may contact you, or phone the school office on 01227 373095 within term time.

Thank you.