Thornden Wood Primary School

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At Thornden Wood Primary School we aim to provide an MFL curriculum which allows children to develop an understanding of different cultures and ensures that languages are celebrated throughout the school community. Through varied, cross curricular learning experiences, including enrichment activities, we aim to celebrate a wide range of cultures and languages, including the different home languages spoken by families of our school. By focusing on daily life, celebrations, traditions, food and music, we aim to provide children with an opportunity to make comparisons between cultures and also recognise and celebrate the differences between them.

The teaching of Spanish in KS2 is designed to progressively develop children’s skills in language acquisition. Using a variety of teaching techniques the children are encouraged to engage actively, developing their listening, exploring and speaking skills, understanding and communication and develop fluency in modern foreign language learning.

In KS1 we provide opportunities to experience a range different languages and cultures embedded throughout our experiential learning opportunities.

We hope that our children will be equipped with the skills needed to become confident global citizens and life-long language learners.

MFL Skills Progression Map