Thornden Wood Primary School

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Educational Visits

During each school year the children are likely to make visits to support their learning, these may involve walking to places in the local area, or going further afield travelling by coach or minibus. There will also be opportunities for exploration of topics with companies such as ‘Living History’ coming into school to provide an immersive experience. To help us cover the cost of these activities we will ask for a parent contribution. We want to do everything we can to make sure all children can have these opportunities and where possible can make alternative arrangements, however we may have to cancel a planned activity if there are insufficient funds. If you have any difficulty making a payment, please contact the school office or our Family liaison officer so we can offer support.

Before children go on educational visits staff consult the venue’s safety documents then carry out a full risk assessment taking into account the needs of the children attending. Staffing ratios are followed to ensure the safety of the children and there will be many opportunities for parents to volunteer on both school trips and the many sporting events we attend each year. For each trip you will receive an email detailing the event offered and how this fits with your child’s learning and you will be asked to give consent via our Arbor App.