Thornden Wood Primary School

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We aim for our children to be digital creators, effective communicators and responsible citizens. We recognise the importance of computing as a lifelong learning tool and key skill in an ever-evolving digital world.

Computing is taught in a variety of ways at Thornden Wood; specific skills are taught during dedicated lessons using our suite of desktop computers or tablets. 

Through the programme of study for computing, the children will learn how computers and computer systems work; they will design and build their own programs; develop their ideas using technology and create a range of content.

Teaching also takes place using a cross-curricular approach through our topics of study. This allows children to transfer their skills and use technology for a real purpose, using computing as an important component of their learning which is linked to the real world. 

Embedded into all of our Computing teaching is Online Safety, meaning that pupils have the knowledge, skills and understanding to be safe and responsible online. Important lessons and learning are further reinforced within our RSHE lessons.

Computing Progression of Skills

Computing Long Term Plan

Purple Mash - Computing Scheme of Work